How to listen to Indian songs for free

Google recently launched a music search, where you can search for Indian songs in various languages. Google hopes to reduce music piracy (which is high in India). Initially, only Hindi (Bollywood) songs will be available, and will be expanded to include other languages later. You can search for songs by title, artist, album etc., and […]

Clear Windows user login history

Windows Vista/7/Server shows the previous login username for convenience. However, this might be uncomfortable in terms of privacy and security. This tutorial shows you how to prevent that behaviour. Registry edit to prevent showing username Open Registry Editor (type regedit in Start > search box or Start > Run > regedit). Go to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System In […]

Download AVG Antivirus 2011 offline installer

A growing trend among software companies is to offer a tiny (under 500 KB) installer that then downloads the full installer and proceeds with installation. Google Chrome, Skype, Yahoo Messenger etc. are some of the applications that do so. Joining them is the popular free antivirus tool AVG 2011. The problems with such setup files […]

Set default Microsoft Word format as Doc

Recent versions of Microsoft Word software uses .docx format for saving files. DOC format is also available, though Microsoft has been pushing hard for widespread adoption of .doc format. While technically superior, .docx causes compatibilty issues, and is generally frowned upon by those who believe “if it ain’t broken, don’t fix it”. Docx uses compression […]

Stop Windows 7 Microsoft SpyNet to alleviate privacy concerns

Windows 7 comes built-in with a SpyNet service (connected to Windows Defender and Microsoft Security Essentials) that logs various data related to these programs and sends them to Microsoft. Although the name sounds like a dangerous “Big Brother” spying program from Microsoft, it isn’t quite as dangerous (at least on the outset). SpyNet runs automatically […]

Auto-set daily Bing backgrounds as desktop wallpaper

Love it or hate it, but Microsoft’s Bing search engine has a few much-needed differences from Google, and a growing number of users are liking it. You could say that its not-so-spartan interface is one such difference. The daily wallpaper is a nice touch too. Bing 4 Free is a free app that downloads Bing […]

Productivity tip: save frequently used Mac Terminal commands as Automator workflow

There might be terminal commands that you use frequently. Instead of opening Terminal and copy-pasting the command every time you need it, you can create an Automator workflow for this. Automator is a Mac utility to automate tasks that you may need to use frequently. To create our workflow, open Automator (from Applications). Click Custom […] addons to track visitors to your site [Firefox and Chrome]

Whos Amung Us is a web analytics website (that I reviewed earlier). It shows the number of visitors who are on each page of your website. All you need to do is add a few lines of code to each page that you wish to track. The live statistics and easy setup of Whos Amung […]

Force auto complete forms in Firefox

I have written about forcing Google Chrome to auto-fill forms. The same can be achieved on Firefox with a Greasemonkey userscript. This is required on some websites that do not allow you to autofill forms (handled by Firefox). This can quickly get on your nerves if you handle such sites several times a day, more […]

Download Start Menu Cleaner to Remove Broken Shortcuts and Empty Folders

Most programs add folders and shortcuts to the Windows start menu upon installation. Call it bad design, but some applications do not remove them completely upon being uninstalled. To keep a computer optimized and fast, it is necessary that such useless leftovers are cleared promptly. Instead of manually deleting them, you can use a freeware […]

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