TechZilo is changing…..or should it?

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This blog was started as a write-it all blog – to quench my thirst for writing, writing and even more writing. You will see that in May, this blog became active in a big way, and had averaged more than a post a day.

But this makes me think – is it worth the pains to write about the latest news, which a hundred other bloggers have also written? In other words, do you want to read such posts? If not, I would probably make this a blogging/software hack resource, and believe me, I have ~20 blogging-related posts piling up as draft already. The only reason I would continue with news is if you like to read them.

So what’s the other choice? I will post less, but with more thought-provoking content, mostly of blogging/WordPress and softwares. This way, I will not have the pressures of regular posting, and you can enjoy unique content.

I want your thought on this – Should TechZilo change to being a blogging/software hack+tips, or are you happy with things the way they are? Give me your suggestions through comments. Remember, each of your thoughts count toward the future of this blog.

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