Digging made easier with Smart Digg button

Digg is a cool social-networking site. Everyday, thousands of people flock to various sections of Digg, and vote up/down the stories they see. The stories they submit vary according to days, but stay very high. The number of stories that make the front page is ~60/day( source ). If you observe the top Diggers, you will understand that they have submitted hundreds of posts every day. This is not done by going to the Digg submit page every time. They have smart tools to accomplish the task easier. Regardless of your levels, this tool will be useful.

Smart PR button is one such tool that helps you Digg faster, better and easier. It is a small Firefox extension which does 3 things: check if the page is dugg, display the number of Diggs (if any), and provide a button to click through to add your Digg vote. If a story is not dugg, it shows a link “Digg this”. If the story is dugg, it shows the number of Diggs, and you can click through to digg it. (see image below)

The two possible scenarios – a post with no diggs(1), or with diggs already(2)

The tool is particularly useful, because it allows you to go directly to fill the details for the submission, without actually copy-pasting the URL to the Digg submit page. The only gripe would be that it does not allow usage of the post title as the title for the Digg submission also. This would have saved even more time, as you would not have to go through the finger-numbing typing sequences.

However, I would like to draw your attention to the optimization side of things. The Smart Digg extension looks up the digg count every time you load a new page. So, some bandwidth and time may be consumed. I have also found that upon opening several tabs, Firefox freezes for a couple of moments. It is probably caused by the sudden burst of queries by Smart Digg button. So, if you have an older PC or slow internet connection, you may want to test the effieciency of this Firefox extension before putting it to regular use.

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